

How's School going?

School is going great! However, I think the drama is about to start LOL - Today, we were split into groups and we have to write a report on a Woman and how her style, life, biography, and profession has made her who she is in fashion - does she care about how she dresses? does she have style? does she dress up? has she made an impact on others? - ETC! So I told my group about my ridiculously looking 1st lady, La Chamuca, and they loved the idea! However, one of the girls did not like the idea and she is pushing for another. In my head, I just kept thinking, MAJORITY RULES! But she's not wanting it. I have no idea what to do. We are all new and from different countries. How do you deal with a tough teammate?

Besides that, like I said Polimoda is AMAZING! All we talk about is fashion, purses, trade shows, magazines, editors, models, designers, shoes, etccc! I CAN'T believe this is my future! Last week, we went to one of the biggest trade shows in Florence called PUTTI UOMO. A trade show for men's clothes only. There were so many stands, that I got lost from my group and got a headache! I didn't even know what to ask - I felt bad lying that I was an interested buyer for my store in Nicaragua instead of saying I was a student (they told me to pretend in order to be attended to). Most of the people there were dressed to impress! I should have had more people pose for me - I only dared to ask one lady. I don't know much about menswear but I saw a lot of what's coming up for Fall/Winter 2010 (small ties, plaids, cowboy look, and leather).

Tomorrow I am headed to another trade show in Vicenze. This will be a jewelry trade show. I have to be at school at 5:30am because we are going on the school bus for a 4 hour ride! The security is so strict there, the teacher told us not to wear any jewelry! - So I'll let you know what's hot for this season ;)

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