

Everything happens to Little Anne

As you have read, I made a great friend on one of many connections to Florence, ANNE! She is from Chicago and learning Italian. I decided to blog about her because I thought I'd be the silly roommate but it's actually her! Last friday, she received a rose and a dozen calls on Saturday from Italian boy - boy because we think he's like 15 LOL. Today, we went to a leather store and the old italian owner couldn't stop asking her for her cell number to go out on a romantic date to see the Florence view and his vespa. He later offered me a friend. No thanks , we pass! LOL When we arrived to Florence, and poor Anne finds out her roommates aren't coming in for 3 weeks - remember that's why I'm living with her, to keep her company :) Yesterday, we were both fined 40 euros for not validating out train tickets - GREAT! - Now we will never forget to validate it and it left our pockets empty :( and just right now, she plugged in her charger in the wrong outlet and she got up, she bumped her head SO HARD on the window door! OUCH! It even hurt me! For a second I thought I was going to see blood all over the place like a crazy Japanese movie - Anyways, I'll keep adding stories about Anne here, because I know more things are bound to happen to her. BTW this is her blog:

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found a good friend so quickly Candy Alice. Thank you Anne for taking care of our litto A. Keep on having fun!
