

Final Details

I finally bought my student health insurance today - which the Italian embassy asks for. Unfortunately my school does not provide insurance and housing, which sucks because I have to had to get quotes with different companies and go over each detail of possible scenarios of me getting injured or dying; and well thats something I definitely do not like thinking of, specially when the insurance includes life insurance and I know what I'm worth in case my plane falls, train collides or have a ski accident - oh wait! ski accidents aren't included! GREAT! anyways going back to the main topic. Tomorrow, I'll head to the embassy, present my health insurance and finally get my student visa! woohoo! However, I still don't have an apartment, I think I'm going to stay at a hotel for a week while I look around at different apartments and possible roommates, cause I do not want to end up in the wrong neighborhood with a psycho roommate and with an outrages rate! BTW anyone have a friend in Florence I can room with? THX!

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