

Final Details II

I finally made it to the Italian embassy today. I tried to go yesterday but there were thousands of cops and antimotines b/c of some political march, so I had to turn around and head to the bank. At the bank, I finally opened my euro account yesterday ;) Account # 456783 in case anyone wants to make a donation for my survival - meaning shopping addiction. LOL
Checklist of Most Important things to do before I leave Nicaragua:
  • Find & Pay an Apartment and/or Room - When in Florence.
  • Find & Pay Hotel - Found it but haven't paid. I'll get to it today. CHECK - updated december 14th
  • Pay tuition - CHECK
  • Open bank account - CHECK
  • Debit Card - My euro debit card comes with the account, now I'm just waiting for it to arrive - WAITING - updated december 14th
  • Get student visa - Waiting for the embassy to return my passport with the visa stamp - WAITING - updated december 14th
  • Find & Pay student insurance - CHECK
  • Find & Pay flights - CHECK
  • Check if passports aren't expired - CHECK
  • Unlock my cell phone - I'll do that a few days before I leave.
Am I missing something else?

So there it is. I think everything is pretty much ready which freaks me out b/c I'm a day closer to my departure. I keep thinking, "This is it! I'M REALLY MOVING TO FLORENCE TO GET MY MASTERS! OMG! Something I would have never ever expected to do in my life right now!" Life has amazing and strange of coming together. All thanks to God! He is amazing! This life is incredible! Unbelievable!

*BTW 2 things: That account number is fake LOL I don't think its safe to post the real one and today is my BFF bday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVA! TQM!

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