
Almost there! Just 20% more!

How am I doing? I think I'm almost completely happy and fine. I think I have gotten the hang of the bus system, stops, walking, streets, language, classes, friends, and the current living situation.

As you read, my current living situation is awkward and what I didn't tell you is that the landlord and I got off on the wrong foot (but I think it's a culture/language barrier, I don't think he knows where I'm coming from when I try to explain certain things) and well I really do hope to move to an apartment with Elvira or just find my own place eventually.

School is good. I've had certain problems with certain classes. But after talking to my friends and family. I am just going to give it a little more time. I just feel like it has been to easy so far. I know it has only been 3 weeks but it's a masters program! My friends from Polimoda just told me that they have a different teaching method here, but not to worry - that I will learn and that it will get tough.

Friends! Classmates! Roommates! hahaha - well that is also good! When I first arrived here, I knew it wasn't going to be a problem for me. During the first week of class, we were learning each others names, finding apartments, etc - going through the same things and I felt like I wasn't part of the group yet. BUT now I am! hehehe I know all the names! Some of us have gone out, gotten to know each other, and even stirred some lil dramas. and of course there is my Anne!

and as for Florence, I haven't been getting lost anymore but I still carry my map! hahaha and enjoy the walking! It is probably my favorite part unless I'm carrying my laptop and purse! It's a nice little city. I'm not loving it. I think there are better cities in the world (Nassau, NYC, SJdS, Granada and Miami - my favorites so far) but I'm happy and thats all that counts! :D

For some reason, I have been getting my languages confused! Portuguese and Italian! On thursday, on our way to a birthday party, I found myself speaking in Portuguese to the taxi driver! LOL ooops!

A little more time here and I will be perfectly fine! No worries ;)
God,Psalm 23 (my favorite verse), and praying make it easier for me here. THANK YOU!
I just miss my family and friends (specially my crazy cheeto Greco!) and think about all of them every single day.

de Mochilera .....

Before arriving to Florence I decided NOT to reserve an apartment online, because I wanted to see it myself and I did NOT want to pay the real estate commission which equals a months rent. I can not believe real estate agents here charge a commission to the person looking for a place when they should charge ONLY the landlord/owner of the property! Besides that I am trying not to spend too much on housing.

Arriving to Florence, I had booked a hotel for a week, but since I met Anne (THANK GOD!) she offered me to stay at her place while I looked around. Honestly, I looked very little but the places I saw were terrible!

I was recommended a website called EasyStanza, where profile ads are posted if you are looking for a ROOM or if you need a ROOMMATE because you have an extra room. So I created my profile and just start searching. Once I was here, I made appointments and went to see the rooms. I know you can not be too picky but I saw some hideous places! One room only had space for a small desk next to the twin size bed, THAT'S IT!! Hell no! Way to small! I am not claustrophobic but I need space to walk around atleast! and the apartment had no living room - so you would hang out in kitchen. The next place that terrified me had an ok room and location BUT the bath - o0oh THE BATH! Just imagine the toilet and a drain right next to it, no shower curtain, and on shower head hose next to the toilet. So you basically shower over or around the toilet! WTF! Comeeee on! HELL NO! That apartment was nice but for some reason I had to use that shower and not the shower which was a normal shower! So no thanks.

This past week was pretty much my deadline, because Anne's roommates were arriving on Thursday afternoon. So I called everyone like crazy and before I knew it I was given a 12 hour notice. I had to check out Anne's apartment on Wednesday morning. I almost looked into real estate agents but decided to calm down and send 20 emails on EasyStanza.

Long story short, I found a place! I moved in on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, I'm on the living room floor of the apartment (at the moment) because the room I am moving into is still occupied, the girl in it, is moving out on Sunday or Monday, the 1st. But I just needed a place. The landlord/roommate (Kelvis) is a fashion photographer (http://kelvisinvisible.us/), dj, and make up artist and a 40 year old man. In addition, there are 2 other female german roommates (one is moving out though). HEY! I was desperate and the place is alrite. I have never lived with complete strangers (besides Anne) specially a man! This is so weird!!!!!

Last night, my friend, Elvira, called me and asked me if I wanted to rent an apartment with her, because she decided to find a 2 bedroom apartment and she doesn't want me living with a man! LOL Therefore, I think I will be moving yet again! LOL Well I hope! I feel kinda uncomfortable living with a man. I mean he's cool but it's just weird! - o0o and by the way, there is only 1 bathroom! I am not liking sharing a bathroom with a guy!

My journey in the past 3 week has included: Hotel - Anne's apartment and Kelvis apartment. What's next? asi que ando de mochilera.


o0o the Italian Boys!

I haven't meet an Italian boy yet BUT! I have been swoon by them. LOL Specially Anne! She has received a rose on Friday, 8 calls and 5 texts the next day and another set of 6 texts the following weekend, all by the 1 guy she met 2 fridays ago!

This past week, we were walking by the market, and he said "oh! beautiful smile! 1 free jacket!" - so we smiled cause we thought it was funny and kept walking - "0h! another beautiful smile! 2 free jackets!" - we kept walking - "another smile please! and 3 free jackets!" "oh! great ass!" LMAOOOOO! - um thanks I guess!

Last night at the club, the girls and I are dancing and a guy picks up a nearby extinguisher and says to me " SOO HOTT AMOREE! " - lol

and while walking the streets of Florence, they usually do and say 3 things: 1. Just LOOK 2. Turn their heads like Owls and 3. Say "Ciao Bella!" - "So Beautiful" or " NICEEEEEEEEEE " - coming from Nicaragua its nothing new, but when a cute Italian instead of greasy lottery seller says it, you can't help but to smile.

Can't wait to meet my guido ;)

(picture from PITTI PALACE)

I'll stick to being a Recessionist

Living in downtown Florence, going to a fashion school and going on field trips to trade shows and high-end designer houses just makes it much more _____(I can't think of the word) that I have no more than 5 designer goods in my closet, which I all got at a consignment store. I don't know if it makes me sad, jealous, or what! But I definitely feel a little inferior (which is the feeling luxury items are supposed to make me feel - from what I've learned in class). I know I shouldn't feel that way but hey! its the truth!

I definitely rock my less expensive stuff and know how to play with them. I can wear an Express shirt and leggings, Aldo boots, Forever 21 scarf, XoXo coat, and D&G bag and feel cute, stylish, and sometimes sexy. I definitely don't feel less "cool" or of a lower status. But I just can't spend more than $300 on an item. I think it's cause of my dad! He's so cheap! and he has always taught my family to be economic with clothes, house utilities, gas, bus passes, etc - I always have his voice in my head saying " don't buy it! that's too expensive! you don't need that! turn off the lights! walk instead of riding the bus " hahaha - in a way it's good though. As much as I want a pair of Guiseppes and the new Chanel bag - I know I can find something cheaper that can make me AS happy. - or perhaps I don't feel comfortable enough to charge $550 on my dad's credit card for the Serio Rossi boots I can't stop starring at on the store window. I am a daddy's girl but thats just too much! I'll just wait till I have a real job and pay for them on my own. or maybe I still be a recessionista and get more for money's worth!!! hahaha don't get me wrong! I love designers! They have amazing creations which are worth their craftsmanship but I just CAN'T.

BTW these are pics from the Ferragamo Museum - shoes that belonged to Evita Peron, Brigitte Bardot, and Carmen Miranda and the girls from FMM, Polimoda 2010!


So sorry I haven't kept the blog up to date. I have had time but not as much to blog. Blogging needs time, inspiration and pictures of course! I'll try harder and blog right now ;) XoXo


Everything happens to Little Anne

As you have read, I made a great friend on one of many connections to Florence, ANNE! She is from Chicago and learning Italian. I decided to blog about her because I thought I'd be the silly roommate but it's actually her! Last friday, she received a rose and a dozen calls on Saturday from Italian boy - boy because we think he's like 15 LOL. Today, we went to a leather store and the old italian owner couldn't stop asking her for her cell number to go out on a romantic date to see the Florence view and his vespa. He later offered me a friend. No thanks , we pass! LOL When we arrived to Florence, and poor Anne finds out her roommates aren't coming in for 3 weeks - remember that's why I'm living with her, to keep her company :) Yesterday, we were both fined 40 euros for not validating out train tickets - GREAT! - Now we will never forget to validate it and it left our pockets empty :( and just right now, she plugged in her charger in the wrong outlet and she got up, she bumped her head SO HARD on the window door! OUCH! It even hurt me! For a second I thought I was going to see blood all over the place like a crazy Japanese movie - Anyways, I'll keep adding stories about Anne here, because I know more things are bound to happen to her. BTW this is her blog: http://annecabroad.blogspot.com/

How's School going?

School is going great! However, I think the drama is about to start LOL - Today, we were split into groups and we have to write a report on a Woman and how her style, life, biography, and profession has made her who she is in fashion - does she care about how she dresses? does she have style? does she dress up? has she made an impact on others? - ETC! So I told my group about my ridiculously looking 1st lady, La Chamuca, and they loved the idea! However, one of the girls did not like the idea and she is pushing for another. In my head, I just kept thinking, MAJORITY RULES! But she's not wanting it. I have no idea what to do. We are all new and from different countries. How do you deal with a tough teammate?

Besides that, like I said Polimoda is AMAZING! All we talk about is fashion, purses, trade shows, magazines, editors, models, designers, shoes, etccc! I CAN'T believe this is my future! Last week, we went to one of the biggest trade shows in Florence called PUTTI UOMO. A trade show for men's clothes only. There were so many stands, that I got lost from my group and got a headache! I didn't even know what to ask - I felt bad lying that I was an interested buyer for my store in Nicaragua instead of saying I was a student (they told me to pretend in order to be attended to). Most of the people there were dressed to impress! I should have had more people pose for me - I only dared to ask one lady. I don't know much about menswear but I saw a lot of what's coming up for Fall/Winter 2010 (small ties, plaids, cowboy look, and leather).

Tomorrow I am headed to another trade show in Vicenze. This will be a jewelry trade show. I have to be at school at 5:30am because we are going on the school bus for a 4 hour ride! The security is so strict there, the teacher told us not to wear any jewelry! - So I'll let you know what's hot for this season ;)

PoliMODA or PoliCOOK?

Jen, couldn't have said it best - "are you sure you're not in Italy to go to culinary school?" - and the answer is NO ... I think? hahahaha I'm just kidding. Being on my own surprises me everyday. I gotta try to speak the language, cook for myself (and roommate), ride the bus, read maps, find my way home on all these little streets, find my school's different buildings around town, ride the train - the list goes on! However, my favorite part of the day is cooking dinner for me and Anne. Tonight, we finally had a pasta-less dinner. I told her we had to stop, because we had pasta and wine every night last week. So, I made chicken fajitas, which turned out delishhhh! :D and Anne helped with the side dish, broccoli. So THANKS MOM for the cooking abilities!


School is Cool, Florence is Cold!

So I'm in my new apartment (Anne's apt) for 2 weeks only (due to landlord issues). Therefore, I gotta keep searching for my own apartment or room. Don't worry I've seen ads all over the school.

I started Polimoda on Monday, but my classes start tomorrow - I can't wait! I just googled the walking path from this apartment to school and google says its 1 hour and 19 minutes away AND 6.5 km away! WTF! That's crazy! I hope he's wrong - even though he normally isn't. From my hotel to Polimoda it was a 20 minute walk. All this walking is killing me, but I need it! I'm so out of shape! But you should see that hill up to school! It's crazy! It's like climbing the Mombacho volcano! In addition to the walking, stairs are another killer! Today, we had to go up 4 flights of stairs with my bags - FLORENCE is WORK-OUT!

Anyways, Orientation was on Monday and it was basic. Highlights: I met a couple of people from FMM (Fashion Mngt & Merchand.) and LM (Luxury Mngt), the programs has over 20 different nationalities, we learned the school's guidelines, saw the library (filled with every fashion book and magazine possible - AMAZING, my favorite part of the tour!), and Linda Loppa (Polimoda Director) welcomed us. http://www.facebook.com/notes/polimoda/why-do-students-choose-polimoda-in-florence-interview-with-linda-loppa-polimoda-/263251756408

Funny story, last night Anne and I went to eat and for dessert we had to choose between pudding and fresh fruit. So I ordered the pudding and she got the fresh fruit. They literally gave her a large, unpeeled, and uncut apple, tangerine, and a kiwi with a very sharp knife! LMAOOO! She had no idea what to do! Too funny!


Destination: Florence, Italy

So after 21 hours in airports or planes, I have arrived in Florence! I'm blogging till today because the hotels internet was down the 1st night and yesterday and today, I have been walking in downtown Florence. So let me tell you what happened after I left Boston.
I noticed my flight said London/Brussels and I was very confused about that. So when I got on the plane, it was heading to London! My itinerary never said I would stop there! GREAT! I expected a HUGE plane with comfy seats - DIDN'T HAPPEN! It was a small old AA plane. It only had 2 seats - 3 seats - 2 seats rows. Even though it had tv, they showed the stupidest movie ever about a little boy with weird friends and how his booger tried to eat them. WHAT THE HELL?! so obviously I HAD TO TRY TO SLEEP - mind you, I can't sleep on planes and worst of all, the freaking seat didn't lean back at all! Ok, maybe like an inch! SERIOUSLY! however, eventually they played The Office, which was hilarious! Anyways, I arrived to London at 6am which in my time was about 12 am or 1am, I think. There at London I met a girl, also coming in from the Boston connection called Anne, who coincidentally is also going to Florence but for an Italian language and experience program. - Cutting the flying story short, I was in Brussels for 2 hours (waiting) and then I arrived in Florence! All so tedious but hey! I paid $530 to get here from Miami. VERY CHEAP!

Once I was in Florence, I took a cab to my hotel. Unfortunately, their internet was down for the day. So I walked to a convenience store to find an international calling card and then I had to find a telephone cab to call my family and tell them I was ok! After that I needed a shower! and guess what happens now - NO HOT WATER! I had to wait like 2 hours for their maintenance guy to fix it! During that time, I HAD to watch tv. Every channel is in Italian, so I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer in Italian LOL random! After showering, I was completely bored and since my euro plug converters didn't seem to work, I went downstairs and hung out with the receptionist and watched Brothers on his laptop (very good movie btw). He told me, the do's and don'ts of apartment searching and talked about Italy. He was nice, a little arrogant and bitchy at moments but I had to be nice cause I was bored!

Anyways, Day 1 was good. I went next store (electrical appliance shop) and figured out the problem to my plug converter. Then my receptionist gave me the directions on the map to a "centro comercial" which was 15 minutes away. However, I got lost for 3 hours looking for it! Once I found it, it was literally 15 mins away like he had said. o0oh and while I was lost it was non-stop raining and my umbrella inverted with the wind and completely broke! At the centro comercial, I got my sim card at Media Store (kinda like Best Buy) and some groceries at the supermarket. The supermarket was insane! So much prosciutto, pasta, pasta sauces, and wine! So I got some 3 euro wine and lunch snacks. The people at the store were crazy! It looked like the supermarket was having a super sale or closing out sale - I was pushed a lot! After this, I went back to my hotel to eat my snacks and rest from all the walking. Eventually, my new friend, Anne, contacted me and invited me to a walking tour of downtown Florence. I rode the bus on my own and met her counselor at the Duomo. Florence is BEAU-TI-FUL at night! I also learned a lot since Anne had her own tour guide. After the tour, we had some hot chocolate and we were invited to a delicious italian dinner by her counselor. OMG soo good! I had linguini dello scoglio, which is with seafood and we all shared a Tagliare appetizer which had prosciutto, other cold cuts, pate, and bruscetta. Day 1 was great! and Night 1 was good too, all the walking made me very tired.

Today, I had to meet some girls from the school for brunch, however I got lost again for over an hour and missed it. By the time I arrived, they were leaving out the door! However, Anne stayed with me! :) Trust me! It was very complicated to get there! It was an american style restaurant with american type food. All we did after was walk around downtown Florence again. My legs are so tired! They aren't use to it all! LOL

Well tomorrow will be a good day, because its Orientation day! WOOOOHOOOO! I'll keep you posted ;) XoXo

P.S. Florence is alrite. I'm mostly here for Polimoda, I hope my hopes aren't too high like they were for the city.



Now that I got some time on my hands, 3 hours to be exact on my Boston layover, let me explain my flight schedule. So I left Nicaragua on the 5th to Miami and I was there for 2 nights. I needed to buy some winter clothes because I obviously do not have any. I found a great B/W coat, gray wedge boots from Aldos, warm leggings, long sleeve shirts, leg warmers, gloves, and beanies. I went directly to Dadeland and shopped about 5 hours straight. For the very 1st time, I was OVERWHELMED! Specially at the shoe store! So many beautiful boots, stilettos, pumps, flats! OMG! I at least wanted 10 different pairs, but I just couldn't do that to my dad's credit card. I stayed focused and bought only the necessary objects. Besides clothes, I also bought some mani/pedi stuff b/c they say salons are pretty pricey and most importantly the European/US converter for the outlets for my hair straightener, cell phone, laptop, and my blow dryer. However, I didn't buy my blow dryer, I was too focused on clothes and I also forgot bed sheets. Bueno, ni modo. I'll try to find a Pali or Walmart in Italy, I'm sure they have a cheap store like that. I also got the chance to see my estranged friend, R! She is looking good! Erika, R, and I had dinner at Chilis last nite after a 40 minute wait, however we were served in 10 mins flat! (In the following order - our main dishes, our drinks, and then the appetizer!) and since we were so hungry - I totally forgot to take a picture of us, so I have no evidence :(

Today, I woke up at 6am and was at the airport by 7 45am. I was in the AA line for 45 mins, security check line for another 45 mins, and my gate was the last gate in the D area. It was soo far away, I lost my breath! Plus the cold air didn't help, mas cansada me sentia! When I got to my gate, CNN couldn't stop talking about all the terrorists acts and arrests there are have been on the planes. Just yesterday a man in Miami was arrested for making rude incorrect behavior on the plane. So hopefully everyone is going to keep their mouths shut on the plane now. So while I waited for my flight to Boston, it was delayed 15 mins. But now I am in Boston (at the moment). It was a 3 hour flight over here and now I am in a beanbag sponsored by Google on my 3 hour layover! Right now, I am waiting for it to be 6:20 to get on my 10 hour flight to Belgium. Q CANSADO! Hopefully they will have some good movies though.

I already miss my family, specially my mother! However, like she told me, this journey could only brings us a lot closer. I know I'll see her and dad soon, probably in the summer and I can't wait to show them around Italy.

P.S. Thank you Collado family for the incredible hospitality, Jorge for the airport pickup, and R & Erika for dinner last nite! :D BESOS!
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