How am I doing? I think I'm almost completely happy and fine. I think I have gotten the hang of the bus system, stops, walking, streets, language, classes, friends, and the current living situation.
As you read, my current living situation is awkward and what I didn't tell you is that the landlord and I got off on the wrong foot (but I think it's a culture/language barrier, I don't think he knows where I'm coming from when I try to explain certain things) and well I really do hope to move to an apartment with Elvira or just find my own place eventually.
School is good. I've had certain problems with certain classes. But after talking to my friends and family. I am just going to give it a little more time. I just feel like it has been to easy so far. I know it has only been 3 weeks but it's a masters program! My friends from Polimoda just told me that they have a different teaching method here, but not to worry - that I will learn and that it will get tough.
Friends! Classmates! Roommates! hahaha - well that is also good! When I first arrived here, I knew it wasn't going to be a problem for me. During the first week of class, we were learning each others names, finding apartments, etc - going through the same things and I felt like I wasn't part of the group yet. BUT now I am! hehehe I know all the names! Some of us have gone out, gotten to know each other, and even stirred some lil dramas. and of course there is my Anne!
and as for Florence, I haven't been getting lost anymore but I still carry my map! hahaha and enjoy the walking! It is probably my favorite part unless I'm carrying my laptop and purse! It's a nice little city. I'm not loving it. I think there are better cities in the world (Nassau, NYC, SJdS, Granada and Miami - my favorites so far) but I'm happy and thats all that counts! :D
For some reason, I have been getting my languages confused! Portuguese and Italian! On thursday, on our way to a birthday party, I found myself speaking in Portuguese to the taxi driver! LOL ooops!
A little more time here and I will be perfectly fine! No worries ;)
God,Psalm 23 (my favorite verse), and praying make it easier for me here. THANK YOU!
I just miss my family and friends (specially my crazy cheeto Greco!) and think about all of them every single day.