

Happy New Year!

I can't stop talking about it ... but I went to the BEST NYE party ever! Nicaragua always hosts the best parties but this year, Moondance surpassed all our expectations. Not only does Nicaragua have the best parties but we also have the best dressed people. Nicaraguans definitely care about the way they look and go all out for a night they will never forget. I only took a few pictures to give you an idea - they were the dresses I couldn't take my eyes off! They aren't the best pictures - I didn't want to ask people to pose for me while they were celebrating and Nicas are kinda weird when it comes to "hey, can i photograph for a fashion blog?" ... besides the 3 dresses - you can also see my friend, Lluvi and I going with the sparkly look but more towards comfort ;) ... it's a lil late but Happy New Years to everyone who follows me! Thank you so much for your support! XoXo

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