

Current Location: NYC

It's been a lil over a week since I arrived. What have I done? 1. Look for an apartment or a room to sublet 2. Started my internship just yesterday! However, 90% of my time has been dedicated to finding a place. I've looked everywhere! Upper East side, Lower East side, Chelsea, Brooklyn, Chinatown, Midtown, ... with and without a no-fee realtor. I've seriously busted my ass looking for a place. I'm stressing, I've had my breakdowns - but at the end I try to calm down - I can't jump and risk another tragic incident like I did in Florence (don't remember what happened to me? I insist you read about my experience in my February 2010 posts.) I think I've seen about 15 apartments which now make me appreciate the apartment I left behind! I had a great view, furniture, appliances, accessories, and it was my own studio - all for a very very good price. But now...all the apartments or rooms I've seen are just plain shitty and tiny! How can they call that an apartment??? I saw the smallest room yesterday! It was the size of my bathroom back home for $950! WTF! I'm going to start to rent my bathroom! It's insane! - but I gotta calm down. I'm staying with some family so there really isn't a hurry. "Le sigh" ... i want my apartment in Florence, i want my room in Nicaragua, i want space! i want a closet! and decent bathroom! I DON'T CARE IF ITS WALK-UP - I just want a decent place ... final sigh.

Anyways ... no more debbie downer... SOOOO work is goooooood! Basically yesterday and today I've been researching swim wear. ANDDDD that's all you get to hear - privacy issues ;) (i shoulda signed something like this for polimoda and the girls to avoid any problems LOL) however if you need PR - look my company up, ;)

My first few days, I did enjoy walking through NYC... I photographed a few fashionistas leaving Lincoln Center for Fashion Week, went to Bergdorfs for Fashion Night Out and saw Jason Wu, Tom Ford, SJP, Kelly Rutherford, and Mary J Blige, attended my first PR event for SS (which I will blog about on and met up with my friend, Maria :)

So I'm fine. Don't worry about me. However, if you can hook me up with an apartment in NYC let me know ASAP!

p.s. I LOVE NYC!

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