

White Summer: Black Intimates

At the height of the Florentine summer many prefer to wear head to toe white. As kids, we are told in art class that white is the lightest and coolest color to wear during melting summers and as adults, wearing white is the most refreshing and ethereal feeling - but why is it that we detach this unique sensation by wearing black intimates which can clearly be seen by all?

The first time, I remember seeing a black bra and white shirt combo was on Sex & the City by Carrie. She did it all the time and since the show was very influential everyone (including myself) started doing this. It quickly went from faux-paux to sexy & outrageous to plain normal.

Here are a few pictures that I managed to find on Ashley Olsen and "Carrie Bradshaw" (I know picture quality sucks but it's just an idea)

Honestly, I like the black bra and white top look (only black bra not hot pink, red, or any changeable detailed strap like skateboarders who change their Converse shoe laces do) but what I don't like is when women wear black underwear (thong, shorts, boxers, etc) with a beautiful white dress or linen pants - not a good look. This past weekend, Crystal and I spotted this woman. All I have to say is - if you do this, stop! It looks terrible. There are many amazing nude colored panties that can remain unseen when wearing white linen pants. or you can also go commando - even more refreshing! ;)

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