

PISA for the day

This past Saturday, I went to Pisa for the day. Alone. I had fun on my own. I had no one bugging me that they were hungry, anyone holding me back or pushing me to do something I didn't want to, or waiting for me. I went on the train I wanted to go own, I sat where I wanted, I listened to my ipod on the way there, I got a little lost looking for the tower and basically did my own thing. I enjoyed every moment of it. 

When I arrived to the Miracoli Piazza, which is where the Duomo, Baptistery, Leaning Tower, museums, and Cemetery are at - I was pretty amazed. I couldn't believe it. You see these buildings on the Discovery Channel and once you are there, its surreal. I couldn't stop smiling - I was happy. Once I walked around and soaked it all in, I was laughing my head off watching EVERYONE pose near the tower. They were all saying "move to the left, so it seems like you're holding it!" lmaooo hilarious! - I didn't do it. I kinda wanted to but after watching the crowds do it, it just didn't feel special; so I guess I was a bore and took a normal sit down pic taken by a random Japanese guy :)

You can climb the Leaning Tower for 15 euros, but I didn't! too pricey! I paid 10 euros and got access to 5 places (duomo, baptistery, 2 museums, and cemetery). You can basically see "Pisa" - the piazza I was at in 2 hours but I took my time and tried to read as much as I could. However, after reading too much small font at the museums I was pretty much done and looked for some pizza and wine lunch.

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