

Patience is a Virtue

I'm back yooooooo! Finally! Been out spring breaking a lo gringo! well not entirely - I behaved. Ok, so I am going to start to tell you about the logistics because they are a big part of my trip!

First of all, I went to Corfu Island and Athens, Greece for 8 days ;) with foreign american students that study here in Florence.
When I arrived to the meeting point at the train station, I immediately saw 4 girls and began the bonding, however, they weren't to into it. When everyone else arrived, to my surprise they were ALL from the same program in Florence - I was the ONLY new girl! - FUCK! this was going to be hard! All this kids were from different universities in the US but go to the same program in Florence and have been friends for the past 3 months. Ademas de eso, while waiting to board our bus, I was listening and watching them. They all sounded like the typical stupid drunk gringo. We were just starting to board and they were all talking about how they were going to get shitfaced and how they bought 3 bottles of vodka and some cheap tequila. DAMN! I came unprepared! jajajaja

Bueno, we head to the bus, and I keep trying to meet the girls around me by making the same question and introduction "Where do you guys studying?" and "O-M-G I think I'm the new older chick on the bus" - sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. But after 20 minutes, a girl sitting in front of me, heard me and started asking me the regular "what are you doing in Florence" questions. I DID IT! I MADE A FRIEND! jajajajja Her name is Michelle from Lynn university, from the Virgin Islands, and half Cuban. She was cool and introduced me to everyone else :D

Ok, so logistics real quick! Bus ride from Florence to Ancona (Italian port) 4 hours! We boarded a ferry/cruise ship at 12pm, and I think it started moving at 2pm, and we arrived the next day on a Greek port at 7am! (I'm not done!) - then we had to catch another ferry at 10am and finally arrive to Corfu Island at 11:30am andddd finally take the Pink Palace bus for 30 minutes to get to the hotel. FUCK! tell me you don't need patience for this! (picture of me lookin like shit after 20 hours of traveling but still needing to catch the 2nd ferry)
The ferry/cruise ship accommodations were a surprise! Since it was a long overnight ride, you would think I'd have a cabin with 3 other girls. WRONG! not included! you would also think beverages and food were included. WRONG! not included! - Like I said, I was completely unprepared but prepared to being cheap and adventurous, because I preferred to not bring my credit cards and only bring 250 euros. So guess where and how I slept? Well this "cruise ship" was NOT a Carnaval cruise line! This boat had 2 large room areas with rows of seats like on an airplane and with some extra space all around, where people who have taken this cruise ship before, brought their mats, sleeping bags, and airbeds to lay out. Thank God I brought my sabana and AA extra small pillow! - Whatever, I went for it and stuck to sleeping on the seats which wasn't too bad ;) - I also had the option to get a room with 3 other girls for 20-27 euros but again, like I said, I needed cash for partying and souvenirs and not a stuffy cabin.

Alrite, so on this cruise ship nothing was included and I had an extra sandwich from the rest stop and soda crackers in my bag - VOILA! dinner! as for drinks, well I always carry my bottle of water and I found one large unopened one when we were leaving the cruise ship - Sharing is Caring! ;)

On this long cruise ship what were we to do? I told you the gringos came prepared. It was 12pm and the boat hadn't opened but they all opened their Jim Bean, ghetto ass vodka, tequilas poured it into their water bottles and mixed it with sprite or pineapple juice! This kids were not playing. I gotta say right now, something I don't wanna say - but these modafuckin gringos are NOT playing! They can fuckin drink! I'm pretty sure they kept drinking till 3am. There was also this one special chick, who was ALWAYS carrying her personal beer funnel - solo asi la veia, hasta el culo con su funnel and offering it to everyone else - btw she was a fuckin hot mess, girl had a bangin body - no lie.

Don't think I didnt drink, con mi amigita Michelle, compramos una botella de vodka in the store ship and played 21 or some other drinking game with everyone else.

Random hilarious story: michelle and i met a girl (Kate) on the cruise ship which was from another student tour group. Kate was a nice little white girl, who you could tell had never experienced a wild spring break and who seemed a little out of place specially with her only male friend from her same university. They kinda kept to themselves and were drinking coke. But after a few drinks, Kate says: "Dont be fooled, 'Im drinking diet coke with vodka (gross 1st of all) and I'm no good girl, I'm actually a bit of a slut" - WHOAAAAA confessions of suburban skank! - She became my friend too! Throughout the trip nunca la vi picada ni hooking up - I'm guessing it was all undercover. jajajajaja!

The one thing that pissed me off on that cruise ship was the fact that the "club" they had did not play any music because it was Good Friday! COME ON! I know Jesus would have wanted me to dance instead of drink.

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