

POR FIN PartyMode!

Kristin, Amanda, Anne, me

FINALLY found some Sangria! but it wasn't as delish as it looks :(

Maria (Lebanon), me (Nica), Megha (Canada/India), Elvira (Panama)

POR FIN sali este weekend! Ya me estaba volviendo loca. I was planning to go to Naples or Rome this weekend b/c I had a long weekend off but my friends are either broke from their spring break plans/tickets, sick, and Anne was also leaving and this was her last weekend.

Friday - Tequila shots en mi apartamentito with Anne and her 2 roommates. Despues de los tequilitas, we went to a pretty ghetto club called 21. ghetto clubs here, play lots of hiphop and reggae, so why not!? They also don't charge cover, drinks are "cheap" (3 euros a shot, 7 euros a drink), and coat check is only 3 euros. Asi que alli pasamos la noche bailando un rato. The only bad thing is that EVERY guy there picks you up to dance. I probably said no like 60 times? to black guys, guidos, and 1 old guy that looked like the Ex-VP Rizo. pero de alli la pasamos bien. me hize broder del bartender that turned out to be from Guatemala and gave me some free sambuca after seeing "my" sambuca trick LOL

Saturday - Megha, Maria, and I went to the Uffizi Musuem for 30 minutes because it was beyond boring! there went 6.5 euros! I also went around the corner to Zara and got new jeans because during the week my jeans ripped right on the crotch while in class! MY FAVORITE JEANS! great! - anyways. after the musuem, we went home and got ready to later meet at ZOE for some aperetivi. Super rico el aperitivi alli! However, me di cuenta, that "my friends" and I have no friend chemistry our talks are ultra boring, I have to spice them up with random sex or boy questions, which ended up dying after 2 minutes within the conversation. yeah. great. no chemistry. aburrido pue! - por suerte llego Elvira! She is fun! - after ZOE we headed to Benci avenue for some "bar hopping" and to meet Anne. However, Anne decided to go home and we needed up at A bar called OIBO. I like it there, except getting a drink is stupid! You have to go to the cashier first, get a ticket, and then get the drink - COMO SI TUVIERA EN KERMESSE! - Bueno we were good there for a couple hours and eventually split ways. Megha and I, tried to look for  21 b/c she loves reggae but couldn't find it - but we did find 6 short 5'feet gay guys and talked to them for like an hour - it all started with directions but ended up talking for like 40 mins and now they are my FB friends LOL uno es peruano and the others italian (i think) - I KNOW, RANDOM!

and that is pretty much it! This week I have 2 friends heading to Florence yeyyyy! Ana Sofia and Gabriel! Looks like this will be a gooood weekend! :D

P.S. Grace! - Maria kinda reminds me of you :) 

Maria & I

Elvira & I

Wine Selection

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