

Living In: Florence, Italy

I saw this at a random Coffee/Bar shop

Sometimes I photograph my food. I'm always so proud of my cooking and my keychain Annita gave me for Christmas.

This dog was so cute! People are allowed to sit their pets on the restaurant booths, kinda weird, but I'm a doggie lover and they are always welcomed to sit with me!

Coffee at Piazza Republica

with Anne on a great sunny day!

1. I'm going to GREECE for Spring Break! wooohooo! I'm going to Corfu & Athens for 8 days! I'm so excited. I am actually going alone, aqui la gente del program anda en su propio mundo en su propia cosa, therefore I have to venture alone. But I am going with a student group leaving Florence. So I'll hopefully meet some hotties and party people! woohooo!

2. I just started 2 new classes in the program. Intercultural Mngt & World Issues (like International Business/Finance). I loved Intl. Business in my undergrad. You learn sooo many complex global issues which eventually turn out to be not so complex and feel invigorated every time the class ends! It really opens your eyes and mind to how the world works together. Since, it was the 1st class, we basically talked about the current recession. Can you believe 80% of the class, didn't know we were going through a recession! WTF! They didn't know where it came from, why, its effects, etc. I couldn't believe it. Ademas de eso, it kinda frustrates me that they don't know some key english terms, but I'm working on it - I know English is their 2nd or 3rd language. OH! and for some reason, I started talking about Carlos Slim and no one but me and the 2 other latinas, knew who he is! CARLOS SLIM is the richest man of the world now (Forbes, 1 week ago)! He's been around for a while, they should know him! I'm still in shock - COMO NO VAN A SABER ESO?!

3. Florence is getting crowded. Tourist season begins! Even Brad Pitt and his kids were here on Sunday (but because Angelina is filming in Venice with Johnny Depp; coincidentally a movie called The Tourist LOL)

4. I have NOT MET an ITALIAN YET no randomly made-out with one! Please stop asking me this! LMAO.

5. I MISS PARTYING. Oh wait I have already mentioned this :P

En verdad, nada new. Basically class, new classes, dinners, city walking, and wondering what to do this weekend, because I have Friday off.

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