

VENICE the City of Love

Last Saturday, my friends and I took a bus with 400 other people to Venice. It was 40 euros cheaper compared to the train and the trip wasn't that bad. It was a 3 hour ride filled of snowy sceneries and day dreams while listening to my Party Playlist.

Heading to the City of Love, got me thinking the inevitable love questions: "have I lost a great love?" "have I even met him?" "was HE the GREAT love? (cause it didn't seem like it)" and "I'M STILL MAD AT HIM!" First of all, I KNOW I haven't met my great love, so far they have all turned out to be liars, cheaters, emotional players or have some drug addiction and I'm no Amy Winehouse to take any of that! I always end up liking the wrong guy and I'm tired of it. I have no idea what to do?! Where do I stand and look pretty, so he can approach me?! At a coffee shop? book store? piazza republica? - WHERE ARE YOU?! I hope you're not in Nicaragua because I just moved to Italy! hahaha. There is one guy I constantly day dream about, last time I saw him was probably 4,5 years ago. He was my sister's neighbor in Miami and we went to elementary school. As he got older he became a super hot cuban baseball player. AHH! SOO HOT! Specially his voice! I've tried looking for him on FB but nothing! I think his name is too common. Every time I go to Miami, I always want to go to his house and ask him out. LOL I wonder if we are meant to be? - Speaking of "meant to be". Another guy always on my mind, is the one all my friends, family and I thought was the one I was supposed to be meant to be with. However, it just never worked out. I was always the friend and way to infatuated with him and well he was into other girls (fat girls to be correct). and right before coming to Italy, he drops a bomb on me and tells me he used to like me back in high school. WTF! Why are you telling me this now!? - He knew I was head over heels for him. He definitely knew it! - After that, I think some old feelings started coming back, so I gave it a shot when I went to Miami. I told him to pick me up at the airport and as soon as I saw him, it was back to square one. He was complete jerk. I had 4 bags and my purse, and he DIDN'T EVEN OFFERED TO HELP ME! We ran into some friends of his, and he seemed ashamed to be seen with me and didn't even introduce me, he referred to me as " I'm picking HER up". Then he tells me he's high, in hurry to get to work, and telling me his ex is going psycho because I'm writing on his FB. So all those feelings faded away. Now I remember why we aren't meant to be - You're an asshole! and to make matters worse I get a fucked email from his ex.

For some reason, I think I'll get lucky in love once I'm done with my other life's goals (finishing up my masters, getting my dream job, and paying for things on my own). So we'll see :) I'm still hopeful.

Anyways back to the Venice trip - From the bus we moved onto a train which was the stop before Venice. Only way to get there, unless you a boat. Once I arrived and walked out of the Venice Santa Clara train station. OMG! I couldn't stop saying WHOA! I couldn't believe it. It was spectacular. Too beautiful! I felt like I was in DIsney - I was incredibly happy! All my pain was gone.

We really didn't do much there, but walk and take pics. We were completely lost searching for the main Carnavale piazza! But when we got to the piazza, it was tooo crowded! It was insane! Everyone was dressed up in all kinds of costumes (vintage, colored, religious, butterflies, queens, kings, mystical animals, soccer players, sumo wrestlers). All I was wearing was my mask. hahaha

We had a great pizza lunch and orange spritz drinks at night at a spanish bar (I think). So after a day of walking and being pushed by others, there no music really....till we arrived back at the train station and salsa and electronic music was blasting and everyone there was dancing - so we danced! :D

Random Venice Story: While dancing, Carolina (from Colombia) was approached by 5 guys, and they asked her where we were all from. As soon as she said she was from Colombia, they told her they loved her marijuana and asked if she had any on her! Her perfect comeback was: "NO! I only grow it and you smoke it!". - Ahh! uncultured people are too stupid!

BTW here's the email from the psycho. I beeped some things out because my family reads my blog and obviously everything in the email is completely untrue. I've never been to montelimar with him, I hate that place.

Between You and Lorena Pereira: Alicia a vos yo no te conosco vos no me conoces a mi y quien sabe lo q jorge te dira y me tiene sin cuidado una cosa te voy a decir el otro dia me llama jorge y me dice le dije a la alicia q no me escribiera en mi wall pq vos te enojas cuando en ningun momento le he dicho eso a mi me tiene muy sin cuidado lo q el haga en su vida y lo q haga con vos la verdad, segun el se arrepiente de haberse ----- con una cerda asquerosa como vos esas son sus palabras y dice q vos fuistes la q se lo ---- en montelimar sin el querer which is funny q diga eso cuando imposible q una mujer abuse de un hombre JAJAJA pq eso dice el q vos abusastes de el LMAO otra cosa si te lo queres ir a ---- sinceramente COSA TUYA Y DE EL A MI ME TIENE SIN CUIDADO EL Q ME SIGUE BUSCANDO ES EL A MI pero claro eso no lo dice el a nadie segun el yo lo busco a el TE LO ACLARO ME VALE MUCHISIMO EL Y TODO LO Q TENGA Q VER OCN EL! Y te digo esto para q dejes de estar ''making fun of me'' and get your facts straight pq ni sabes nada la vrd.. el es tu amigo limitate a hablar con el de lo q tenga q ver con ustedes excepto de mi... yo no tengo nada q ver con el y me interesa poco lo q vos digas o el diga! funny como segun el i stalk him lmao cuando el q busca como entrar del fb de quien sea para ver mis cosas pero la verdad q no me importa pq eso es una imadurez pero bueno just letting you know... se q se lo vas a copy and paste pero te hago el trabajo mas facil ill copy this message to him as well... so u both get a life and leave me the fuck alone..


  1. that was a very intense blog entry in shock.

  2. aye... boys are stupid to girls but girls can be even stupider with other girls. im sorry. i love the 'love' part of your blog... i might blog about your blog. :)

  3. i needed to give my blog a little life

  4. Alice, i'm sure you'll find someone someday. Meanwhile, just lay back, enjoy being an OLI and have fun, learn and meet new people. BTW...The fact that Venice, lovers haven, reminded you of Falla made me ROTFL. can you imagine GIORSH on a gondola? candle lit dinner by Rialto Bridge ? just AWKWARD
