

School is Cool, Florence is Cold!

So I'm in my new apartment (Anne's apt) for 2 weeks only (due to landlord issues). Therefore, I gotta keep searching for my own apartment or room. Don't worry I've seen ads all over the school.

I started Polimoda on Monday, but my classes start tomorrow - I can't wait! I just googled the walking path from this apartment to school and google says its 1 hour and 19 minutes away AND 6.5 km away! WTF! That's crazy! I hope he's wrong - even though he normally isn't. From my hotel to Polimoda it was a 20 minute walk. All this walking is killing me, but I need it! I'm so out of shape! But you should see that hill up to school! It's crazy! It's like climbing the Mombacho volcano! In addition to the walking, stairs are another killer! Today, we had to go up 4 flights of stairs with my bags - FLORENCE is WORK-OUT!

Anyways, Orientation was on Monday and it was basic. Highlights: I met a couple of people from FMM (Fashion Mngt & Merchand.) and LM (Luxury Mngt), the programs has over 20 different nationalities, we learned the school's guidelines, saw the library (filled with every fashion book and magazine possible - AMAZING, my favorite part of the tour!), and Linda Loppa (Polimoda Director) welcomed us.

Funny story, last night Anne and I went to eat and for dessert we had to choose between pudding and fresh fruit. So I ordered the pudding and she got the fresh fruit. They literally gave her a large, unpeeled, and uncut apple, tangerine, and a kiwi with a very sharp knife! LMAOOO! She had no idea what to do! Too funny!

1 comment:

  1. walking is good, you´ll be in shape in no time....or get a little scooter, very italian, a Vespa..
