

Final Details IV

I got my student visa yesterday! yeyyyyy! but only for a year! boooooo! Well hopefully when I get a job in Italy, I just have to come back and get the work visa - FINGERS CROSSED! and I also got my euro debit card - so daddy can deposit my rent and food money! So now I can sleep! Relax a little, because I AM SET! Just counting the days and enjoying the company of my family and friends. Tonite Ilu arrived and its her welcome back party and its the NYE launch party at Contempo Hotel - "tonite is gonna be a good nite". I have also been meaning to blog about a fashion show I went to on wednesday nite - just to sum it up, it was Shantall Lacayo's "Oleos sobre Tela" show and it was amazing! She is my one and only favorite Nicaraguan clothing designer. - Have a great weekend, cause I definitely will ;)